Lise Grondine has a degree in Art History

Salon International des Beaux-Arts de Montréal.

Saibam (Fall 2002)

Charles Carson was awarded Gold Medallist at the Salon international des Beaux-Arts de Montréal (Fall 2002). Charles Carson is considered by critics to be a major contemporary artist.

This artist of international renown came away with the highest award from the Salon, which honors two artists every year, in recognition of their exceptional talent and to mark the crowning success of their overall careers.

*Lise Grondine, President of the Salon, commented in these terms:

It is with great pride and pleasure that we present to you our Canadian Guest of this year's Autumn Salon, Charles Carson. Renowned worldwide, as the creator of a very original and particular style called « Carsonism.

The greatest critics of the world have «consecrated » him as a most exceptional and outstanding artist. Within his style, Carson combines abstract and figurative paintings into one. They are ravishing, beautifully executed and « powerfully expressive»!

“I think that everybody is able to agree that the abstract and semi-figurative works by Charles Carson reveal great mastery and that they can be seen as masterpieces in terms of contemporary abstract art at the world level. They are refreshing, powerfully executed and of rare expressiveness.

I also think that without a doubt, Charles Carson will be one of the century’s greatest exponents of contemporary abstract art. If I affirm this today, it is in recognition of such exceptional talent and is a testimony that I have never previously provided for any artist.”

*Lise Grondine has a degree in Art History (specialized degree in Art History with a major in Art) from the University of Montreal. She has completed further studies at McGill University on her way to a Master’s degree, and is also a graduate of the Académie française, des Arts des sciences et des lettres in Paris.