Charles Carson : 2000- Salon des Galeries d'arts, Montréal, Qc.

Mrs. Denise Dicandido in company of Mr. Christian Desrochers to the Show of the Art galleries of Montreal, /2000

Exposure of works of Charles Carson

Salon des Galeries d'art of Montréal.

2000 - Show of the Arts Galleries 2000
Bonsecours Market, Montreal, Qc.

By Denise Dicandido, President

“...Numerous artists attempt to express themselves via abstract or semi-figurative art, but few of them succeed in creating their own style with talent and creativity. Charles Carson presents us with strong, luminous works that transcend his own warm personality. A proliferation of warm and cool colours that superimpose themselves on the canvas with seeming delight, creating an amalgam that is at once subtle and harmonious.

The artist exercises perfect mastery over his creations; he knows what it is he wants to convey onto the canvas. Carson’s paintings attract the eye and always excite a high degree of interest from art lovers seeing them for the first time. It has to be said that he is, without contradiction, a master in his field.”

By Denise Dicandido,