Charles Carson exposes to the INTERNATIONAL ART-EXPO-
in NEW YORK 2009 « Heros of creativity »
Carson to the ism
The brilliant analysis of «Carsonism» proposed in the Fine Art
magazine allows collectors to discover an angle that only experimented writers
and the bold view points of Jamie Ellin Forbes & Victor Bennet Forbes
could reveal. A true literary jewel. On the front page, as part of the creative
heros, we find Charles Carson. This text extract will certainly motivate you
to want to meet the artist, he will be present from February 26th to March
2nd 2009.
In a mosaic technique work like «Vibrations florales» there
is so much happening. How does one consolidate miniscule droplets of floral
energy into such a complex solution of color? He is not revealing any secrets,
any more than you would know if Pollock had a plan when he dripped all that
paint, or if Vincent knew exactly where he was going when he produced the
first star in Starry Night. No one can say for sure, but what Carson does
share with the aforementioned artists is total devotion to painting.
February 26 - March 2, 2009
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
Halls 3B, 3D, 3E
655 W. 34th Street
New York City, New York 10001
International Art-expo is the premier trade show of the fine-art industry.
As the only show providing dealers with access to thousands of wholesale works
from artists and publishers in a single venue, International Art-expo offers
unmatched opportunities to network, discover new talent and close deals. Whether
youre an art dealer or retail gallery owner interested in originals
and new editions, an art publisher looking to discover new artists or an architect,
corporate-art buyer or interior designer shopping for client projects, International
Art-expo promises to deliver unsurpassed opportunities to buy and sell art
during two exclusive trade-only days and three final trade and consumer days
of the show.
If you want more information, just go on the artist hyperlink. Visit the web
press release link at url address :
Stéphane Carson
Tél : 1-514-625-4517
Email :